Glam Northwest x Courtney Hulet

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Recently I have endured some changes (again). I cut off my weave, stopped wearing lashes, and desired to represent a more authentic version of myself to the world. Something about putting on two pairs of lashes and wearing long blonde hair to hang up clothes and push fixtures across an NFL stadium didn’t seem fitting to me anymore. I was feeling a fresher, more professional vibe.

At the same time, I am making another change in careers. Two weeks ago I received an email to apply to a position at a company I strongly follow and admire and I did. Shortly after that I had a phone interview that led to an in person interview and then right after that, an offer. I accepted, put in my two weeks notice with the Hawks-staying on-call, and awaited background clearance that I passed at the end of last week that followed my official offer letter. I finished out the week with a match day, worked a sweet event, and a successful game day. So now I am eagerly awaiting my start date (next Monday).

I am VERY EXCITED to join Tesla. Stay tuned.