Motivation Monday

Motivation Monday

My sister Caitlin gave me the recommendation to start writing this blog.  She is always asking my ways of glam and encouraged me to share them with you all.  I haven't really said much on here about my daily ways and weird quirks that keep me "me" aside from the glam, so here goes...

About three years ago, my nephew Connor was born.  I don't know why, but I remember eating Cheez-Its and crappy snacks in the hospital the night before he was born, and the next day, I decided nope-I am done eating crap.  I was sick of feeling like I would never look the way I wanted.  I had read a good portion of the Bible, primarily the Book of Revelation and noticed a strong theme written repeatedly.  The word OVERCOME was mentioned more times than I could count and that resonated with me.  I believe (one) of the meanings in life is to overcome whatever you are dealing with.  If you feel ugly, overcome that and find ways to feel pretty.  If you feel fat, overcome it and stop eating foods that make you "fat".  I felt fat, ugly, and worthless and felt that it was time to overcome those feelings and actually do the work to look the way I wanted.  

First step:  cut out gluten and dairy (and sugar, obviously).  I have not been diagnosed (I haven't had health insurance in over two years) and assumed cutting these things from my diet would work-pretty sure I was right.  I start each day with a Spark smoothie.  I am not a fan of dairy/whey protein anyways, so I found some bulk Bob's Red Mill Soy Protein at WinCo and mixed it with a scoop of fruit punch Advocare Spark, frozen berries, and water.  I blend up until there are no fruit chunks, and thats what I eat for breakfast. I also start the morning with the following supplements...Advocare Catalyst (I take this three times a day), Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin and Nails (the pills, not gummies), Advocare OmegaPlex, Advocare Probiotic Restore Ultra, and just recently added MSM and papaya enzymes to the mix.  I normally drink the smoothie on the way to work. 

I have been drinking Advocare Spark for over 7 years.  I was commuting well over three hours each way to work and became heavily addicted to Venti Sugar Free Americanos.  I had way too many a day.  I would become EXTREMELY anxious, paranoid, and talkative.  Someone handed me a Spark to try and I am not joking, it changed my life.  It gave me that jolt of energy I needed, but LASTED and I didn't crash and burn later.  I felt focused.  I also didn't have the urge to eat everything in my path.  I highly recommend trying this delightful drink-my favorite flavor is Fruit Punch.

I take the Catalyst for sustained energy, muscle building, and endurance.  My job at the stadium used to be extremely labor intensive (pushing GIANT pieces of furniture across an NFL stadium isn't easy) so I fell in love with the Catalyst supplements. I continue to use them in between meals to keep the hunger pains down and feel super human.

I take OmegaPlex for the many benefits of fish oil-skin, fat absorption, pain, etc.  I take the Probiotic Restore Ultra for regularity in digestion.  

At first, all I would eat was my Spark smoothie, Ardell's chicken apple sausages, white sweet potatoes with Trader Joe's coconut oil, unsweetened shredded coconut, and salt, hard boiled eggs, tabasco, and hummus and vegetables.  For dinner it was boring chicken tenderloins with vegetables-I became a seasoning queen.

I continued a paleo diet in conjunction with these supplements for about a year.  The changes that happened in my life were nothing short of miraculous.  I was substituting as a paraeducator at the time and decided I needed change.  I had been working with kids and had hyped them into little football fans and when had I applied to Nordstrom the first time, I received a position.  I then received a promotion two weeks after hire.  I was also a HUGE local football fan and would come to work all dressed in fashionable ways showcasing my favorite team's colors and jerseys.  I told my coworkers I wanted to work for that team.  I randomly looked at their website and saw a job that I was actually qualified for and applied.  I got that job and still have a variation of that job (I don't mention the name of the team due to the countless non-disclosure and social media agreements signed at the time of hire) and am proof that you can create your own reality, but you have to do the work to get there.  Nothing comes easy-it takes hard work and sacrifice and when you put your entirety into something, the rewards will be countless.

I am not saying that the weight loss helped me get my dream job (I still don't have that-my dream is to be independent and work for myself), but it helped me believe in myself enough to try.  Before I would make excuses for everything-EVERYTHING-with extra weight on your body, you feel weighed down.  Everything makes you sweaty and out of breath.  

I now have a far more diverse diet, but not much.  I don't eat gluten, and if I do eat dairy, I take Lactaid enzymes with my first bite.  I like gold potatoes with light sour cream, Indian food, Asian food without soy sauce like spring rolls and pad Thai.  It gets easier.  I have done the Advocare 24 Day Challenge multiple times and feel it is an amazing program to help jump start a healthier lifestyle.  

At night, I drink sugar free Metamucil and eat an apple (Pink Lady or Honeycrisp).  I have digestive issues and this helps keep me regular in conjunction with the probiotics.  

That's just some of my weird, quirky ways of life.  I also make sure to go for walks all the time-find the exercise that you love to do best.  I am a fan of being outside, putting on my jams, and going on a nature walk.  I find it is important to stretch as well.  Lots of walking in poor shoes (heels, dress flats) creates poor foot and leg health.  Anyways, this long-winded post shall end now.  Hope this helps you!

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