Advocare Products Review after 11 years of Use

Advocare Products Review after 11 years of Use

I was introduced to Advocare in 2011. I was hooked on Spark from the first sip. The one Seattle thing that doesn’t fit my description is drinking coffee. Coffee hurts me-physically and mentally. After I drank Spark, that was diminished. Now I have had to learn to taper down…I am not jacked on caffeine all day but go check it out HERE (stick packs) or HERE (full size canister best value) to see if it works for you.

The second product I tried was actually their 24 Day Jumpstart Challenge. Back in 2011, it was much more intense than it is now, but I dropped a LOT of weight from it so I have continued to do the challenge every year or so. To read more about it and purchase, head HERE.

All the crap they put in foods these days….well, that’s my issue. I can’t crap. So these products I have been taking for regularity for a few years now. I can’t go without them. First is Fibo-Trim and the second is the Probiotic Restore Ultra. I take the Probes 3 times a day and the Fibo before lunch and before bed.

The Go-Me’s are delicious. I took them all through Covid and didn’t actually get Covid until I travelled to an international convention and left them behind. TAKE THEM! I love to eat them right after dinner to change the palette. ELDERBERRY :: MULTI-VITAMIN :: COLLAGEN

These are just a FEW of the amazing products I have been using from Advocare for over a decade. Give them a chance to see if you fall in love with them like I do!

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