Corona and Kai

Corona and Kai

So, I have been home all week. This COVID-19 scare is no joke and I live in the American Epicenter-King County, WA. A couple of weeks ago, my husband got pneumonia-we are pretty sure he got it from the gym. I said Corona the whole time, but the doc just sent him home with antibiotics. He got better after a few days.

On Sunday, we went and picked up our new baby girl, Kai the Siberian Husky! I was feeling a little off the week prior and found that when I would take her out for walks, I would be extremely fatigued and felt very fevery. Work decided to take no chances and I self-quarantined.

How I knew something was wrong? The constant sweating and flushing. That and my neck, jaw, arm, hip, back, knees-everything hurt. Bad. I had a headache for like 48 hours-my lymph nodes were pissed off. I felt like my body was fighting something. It never got so bad I couldn’t breathe nor did I start coughing, but I think it is because I took action early and did nothing but lay on the couch, drink water and Advocare Rehydrate and take the dog out 2-4 times a day. I have an elevator, so I didn’t exert much. I did, however, fear I was infecting everyone around me-through the pipes and walls (I read some weird articles) and elevator buttons. Corona makes you feel like everyone is Patient X and you feel even worse when you are the one who’s sick. I had no appetite, could hardly eat anything, and just felt totally off. I actually had a lot of gastrointestinal symptoms-gurgly, not barfing. I was dizzy-that may be because I stopped taking all supplements and couldn’t eat. None of these symptoms are being hyped on the media, so I don’t know if I ever had COVID-19, but this definitely took me out for a week.

Today I talked to my doctor’s office and felt better-still taking it easy. I am going back to work tomorrow, but am afraid everyone will still think I am Patient X. I feel guilty for getting my new puppy, who is the joy of my life, because I spent the week home with her and this evil virus. She is amazing and we are really lucky that the breeder trained her so quickly. She can sit, lay down, chase her tail, and hasn’t had any accidents! She knew how to use puppy pads right away but I am trying to take her outside. I have my hands full and hope to move her into a house soon, but for now she LOVES the dock and watching the ducks swim in front of the Seattle skyline.

I share this because I experienced symptoms that aren’t being talked about but research showed that others may have felt similarly in other countries. The fear is getting real across the US, and I wanted to share my story so that you may be able to take action sooner as well. I also had to share these precious photos of Kai while she is a baby (born 12/16/19). For more, follow @theactualdogemoji on instagram.

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