I Put On For My City

I Put On For My City

I love Seattle.  I am so grateful that my great grandparents settled here from England/Scotland.  They had my grandfather in Seattle and then he had my mother here.  Guess where I was born?  Yep.  My soul is truly blue (and green) and I love watching the city's growing expansion.  As I compare photos of the skyline from just a year ago, new buildings are popping up all over the place and for that, I am excited. Welcome to the Northwest!  Sidenote: Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like Seattle is the "brain" of the world (Amazon, Microsoft, Starbucks, etc)?  

The beauty looks for this photo are your basic utility jacket, three or four other layers underneath (it is not a warm climate), minimal hairstyling, and light lip color-this one is Sugar Rose Tinted Lip Treatment from Fresh.  

Modern Renaissance

Modern Renaissance

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!