My "Gloffice" (Glam Office) Glow Up

My "Gloffice" (Glam Office) Glow Up

One of the best things about our new house is that we each have our own separate bedrooms to create our own space for whatever. Hubs has a 3D printer, two computers, pegboards, and other boring engineering stuff in his. My room is my glam laboratory and business office-I came up with the term Gloffice on the drive home tonight, but I also might call it my Glab (glam lab)... I’m proud with how it’s coming along and felt inclined to tell the world about it.

Before, back in 2020

Before, back in 2020

I’ve been at this website since about 2016 and the glam spaces I’ve used in the past all involved the floor-most were in closets. I started with a single lighted mirror, sitting on the carpet. I graduated my lighting game up slowly each Christmas. When we first moved up from Olympia to the Seattle area, I had a walk in closet that I used-it flooded. We moved again, this time the glam lab was my living room floor corner. Then on Lake Washington, I went into another walk-in closet floor. Finally; I got my entire room when we moved in September.

It wasn’t until last month when I caved and got a desk and picked myself off the floor for my glam routine. I got a ginormous lighted mirror for the holidays-I’m pretty sure it even has Bluetooth music capabilities….I have wanted one of these for a very long time and was particular about the shade of lightbulb. When I went to set it up, I realized the floor is no longer going to work if I wanted to use the mirror. I looked around everywhere and then found this glass corner desk and my yoga ball chair-when I got it set up, I started seeing the vision. I chose some basic white bookshelves and started unpacking my life.

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Kai likes it.

Kai likes it.

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Confidence is something I struggle with and having all of the things I’ve accomplished in life on my walls is a pretty good esteem booster. The room is still very much a work in progress, but I’m pleased with it so far and wanted to share it since Covid won’t let me have friends.

Glam Northwest

Glam Northwest

2020-Year In Review

2020-Year In Review