International Women's Day

International Women's Day

On this International Women’s Day, I wanted to catch up with you all. I have definitely changed up my lifestyle and routine significantly. Not only have my beauty products changed, but my daily habits have as well.

In my 2020 recap, I told you that I dedicated my life back to Jesus. I wake up, do a devotional, take Kai on a long walk while thinking positive, praising thoughts of gratitude. I also added the elliptical to the end of my workout-all by 7am. I have changed the music I listen to to the Christian Hits channel in my Model S and have found that all of these new tweaks in my life have made a serious impact to my overall well-being.

Not only have a I lost a significant amount of weight, but my debilitating anxiety and excruciating chronic pain are quickly fading away. I feel like I finally have a purpose in life-something I have never felt.

My purpose has become clear; I need to become the best version of myself to influence and motivate all who are watching to do the same for themselves. On a career level, I am supposed to be making the Earth sustainable for generations to come while empowering women (or anyone who loves beauty) to embrace their own features and talents to become the person they dream of being-that’s what I have done for myself!

Do you know how surreal it is to look in the mirror and see the woman I never imagined I could become? Do you know how crazy it is to be able to put my bare feet on my own plot of land? I drive a car most of you don’t feel worthy enough of deserving (notice how I wrote that sentence). I drove my 1987 Maxima into a pole in 2004 and lived in the Tacoma Rescue Mission. I didn’t have someone motivating me, telling me how great I could be. I was led to believe I was going to end up a transient my entire life. This is why I tell you how many things have changed for me because no matter what your struggles are right now, they can only get better with the right mindset.

I challenge myself to be better than I was the day before each morning. I have some extremely dark days that keep my in my bed believing I am still that failure that once was more often than I’d like, but I am trying to do better. I challenge you to wake up tomorrow and take one step towards a goal or change you’d like to make for yourself and think of ten reasons why you are thankful. Let me know how it goes! I’ve been avoiding doing the one thing I know I want to do-publish a YouTube tutorial. I am putting it out there in hopes I inspire myself to take the risk.

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