Ghosting Social Media Review

Ghosting Social Media Review

It’s been a week now-I received this urge to remove my presence from social media completely. I am fine-still happy, still becoming a better version of myself each day, but I was sick of the emotions I felt every time I would either scroll or post something.

When scrolling, I compared myself to others; not what they posted, but by how many likes they got. I may have thousands of followers, but I would typically only receive maximum 20 likes over the course of the week on one post. Do you know how painful that is? To put yourself out there and to feel completely unseen-or worse, not likable.

I am vowing to try a year off-I even deleted Twitter, which will require me to log in every 30 days to keep my account, but I want to be the one who is in charge. I struggle with liking myself, and I think taking some time away from feelings associated with social media will be great for my self-esteem.

I hope to keep up with this site more often. I have so many amazing (and not so amazing) products to tell you about, so stay tuned :)

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Transformation Tuesday-I'm Back

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